Health + Safety Standards
Camelot Kids Response for COVID-19 Prevention
Camelot Kids Child Development Center is a small, flexible family run preschool that has been able to implement health and safety protocols and guidelines in accordance with California Department of Social Services Licensing Division (CDSS) and Department of Public Health joint guidance to mitigate potential risk of exposure to COVID-19. Preschools and child care centers are considered an essential service to the community, we are committed to continuing all programs as such.
Although we take every precaution to mitigate the risk while at school, we cannot mitigate all risk, certainly not the risk of contracting COVID-19 while outside Camelot walls. At some point, we may need to inform families that someone in our Camelot community tested positive. It is important that we prepare ourselves for the possibility of that moment so that we can, as a community, respond instead of react.
Responding on our end means:
We will listen + be guided by government agencies expertise and recommendations at that time.
We will communicate with you transparently and promptly.
We will move forward without judgment, but instead with compassion and championing the spirit that we are a community of people who all love their children and families, and that no one wants to get themselves or others sick.
Communicable diseases including C19 will be a part of our lives for some time. Please note that California Privacy Law prevents anyone from disclosing or sharing any health information, so please refrain from asking about any particular individual health condition as we will not answer any of those requests.
We at Camelot respect each individual teacher and Camelot family decision to move forward and educate themselves on the topic of COVID vaccinations. There is no mandate at this time for Camelot staff to get vaccinated and we are not asking for family vaccine records regarding C19 vaccines as they are not on the childhood vaccine schedule. Vaccinations are a personal choice for all our staff and our families. In fact, Federal law prohibits employers from mandating their employees to receive the vaccine. Due to HIPAA compliance, Camelot Kids is not permitted to discuss any staff members’ individual vaccination status and we respectfully ask that families honor our staff’s confidentiality and privacy, which includes putting our staff in the position of answering questions regarding their medical choices. We also cannot release information regarding children in your child’s class regarding any kind of vaccines.
It is our priority to maintain a safe and healthy environment for Camelot teachers, children and families by continuing our health & safety standards since we re-opened on May 4, 2020. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us: info@camelotkids.org via email or phone: (323) 662-2663.