10 Years Later...
The saying time flies when you’re having fun is not an understatement at a place like Camelot Kids. Before you know it, your kid has grown a foot, a decade has passed you by and they are headed off to college. Whoa, let’s not get carried away! But you know what we mean.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our busy adult lives with work and shuttling the kids back and forth. That’s why we love it when the holidays roll around. We recently slowed down to appreciate the little things and little people in our lives at Camelot’s 10th Annual Winter Solstice. We celebrated with the usual festive activities Camelot Kids is known for – an appearance by Santa, beautifully decorated Xmas tree, artists, vendors, cookies, libations, AND your not so typical LA snow - all in the heart of Silver Lake and Los Feliz. And as we close out the year, we find ourselves in awe of the families, friends, and staff that make this place so special, and who help cultivate a unique early childhood education for many in Los Angeles.
This year, we had the added excitement of potential rain the week leading up to winter solstice which was enough to get our nerves rattled! But in good LA fashion the rain DID NOT show and instead of a wet mess we had ourselves the perfect winter wonderland…thanks to the help of our parent helpers! We’d like to extend a very special thank you to all of the parents who pitched in to make Winter Solstice 2018 the most festive event of the year!

We were also thrilled to have local artisans selling their insanely cool goods for a super fun Christmas shopping experience. If you didn’t get a chance to pick something up from one of your faves, you can still visit them online to get all of your shopping done for the holidays.
Winter Solstice 2018 Artisans:
Gjenmi Jewelry, Gold Dust Dresses, Hey Babe Los Angeles, Eva Franco Ice Cream, Castles, Hello Yumi, Lacausa, Leave Her Wilde, Merci Milo, Mae Mae Jewelry, Our Sacred Women, Out of the Box Celebration, Paradise People, Perfectly Baked, Sonya Monique, Storied Goods, Sueno, Tiny Giants Food, Unhinged Jewelry and Shop Canyon!
Shop local. Support artisan made. Done and done.
So what does 2019 and this next decade have in store for Camelot Kids and Little Knights LA? The possibilities are endless. The new year is such a great opportunity to hit the reset button and start something new, entirely fresh, with a new perspective and vision. We’re excited to see what’s next!

Speaking of wish list… Some of you have asked how you can contribute to our classroom needs. Our teachers have put together their individual wish list here.
Feel free to take a look and see what they’ve requested.
Something YOU might have been wishing for are new enrichment classes. Guess what? They’re here and brand spanking new! Take a peak at some of your kids favorites…
On the horizon for Winter Enrichment 2019. Soccer. Circus. Gardening. Hip-Hop + More!

Enrichment classes are a wonderful way to expose your child to new activities that will allow them to explore their interests and find their passion.
Last but not least... Who’s excited for the holiday break?
Yeah, we are too! We love seeing what you and your families are up to during the holidays so make sure to tag us on social: #camelotkidsla #littleknightsla. It gives us a great big smile to see how you are celebrating good times with friends outside of school.
We have one favor to ask as well, If you could take a second and leave feedback on both Camelot Kids + Little Knights Yelp pages it would make our day! Thank you ~

Signing off from CK,
Happy Holidays to our awesome
Camelot community!