Camelot loves Koalas
The devastating fires in Australia, as you may know, hit close to home for our Camelot Kids family as our director, Renae Plant, was born...

A letter from Renae Plant: Dear CK/LK Parents + CK/LK Alumni + CK wait list Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and Happy New Year 2020....

Ready for a Rockin' School Year
And we're off! Month one is in the books for the 2019-2020 school year and we are getting super-fun-friendly with one another as we...

Que será, será
Here we are, in the swing of summer with yet another school year at Camelot Kids in the books! After a brief break for us here at Camelot...

10 Years Later...
The saying time flies when you’re having fun is not an understatement at a place like Camelot Kids. Before you know it, your kid has...

Welcome + Welcome Back!!
A new #school year is nearly here! We are getting so excited to see our classmates from last year and meet new friends + their families...

Hotel Du + YOU!
Come celebrate the season, the accomplishments of your graduating dragons, a lifetime of friendships + our 10th Annual Summer Solstice!...

A Magical Spring!
Ladybugs are a sure sign of Spring around here! Last week at Camelot Kids our Big Dragons released ladybugs into our garden to help it...

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! It's Our 10th Anniversary
Let us take you back on a visual journey through time, when a mom of three was prompted into action as her children's preschool was about...

#LA Winter Wonderland!
Imagine this: It's a sunny day in LA, Christmas time is nearing, there's a place where you can sled in the snow, buy your Christmas tree,...