Excerpt from Betsy Brown Braun on "Home Pods" in California
This information is being shared from Betsy Brown Braun's recent newsletter, which features "a letter circulated by an organization of...

Pivot, Prep + Patience during CA State Closures
Here we are, entering week two of Camelot Kids online learning! In challenging times we learn what we are made of and Camelot Kids staff,...

Ready for a Rockin' School Year
And we're off! Month one is in the books for the 2019-2020 school year and we are getting super-fun-friendly with one another as we...

10 Years Later...
The saying time flies when you’re having fun is not an understatement at a place like Camelot Kids. Before you know it, your kid has...

A Magical Spring!
Ladybugs are a sure sign of Spring around here! Last week at Camelot Kids our Big Dragons released ladybugs into our garden to help it...

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! It's Our 10th Anniversary
Let us take you back on a visual journey through time, when a mom of three was prompted into action as her children's preschool was about...

We LOVE our annual Halloween Trick-or-Trunk with it's witchy ways and creative family fun! This year Camelot Parents totally outdid...

Gallery of Total Adorableness!
It wasn't that long ago (just a week in fact) that some of the childhood memories that will last a lifetime were made. Graduation 2017!...

All You Need is Spring!
There's been a ton of activity afloat in the past few months as we have eased into 2017. We've already celebrated our 9 year anniversary...

Totally Awesome!!
A few months into the school year and we have the honor of being voted LA's Totally Awesome Award Winner for A+ Pre-School & Day Care! We...