Totally Awesome!!
A few months into the school year and we have the honor of being voted LA's Totally Awesome Award Winner for A+ Pre-School & Day Care! We...
Summer Ends with Memories!
And just like that *snap* Summer comes to an end ~ That means it’s a wrap for Summer Camp at Camelot Kids, too! Our last day is THIS...
Summa, Summa, Summa-time!
Time to sit back and unwind ~ Well, for some of you it is! At Camelot Kids the fun keeps on coming and we continue to serve families and...
Camelot largo vivo ¡
Just ONE month away until our largest celebration of the year! As many Camelot families can attest, the annual Summer Serenade at Camelot...
Spring is in the Air!
The best of the season is upon us. We have experienced a few luscious days of Spring rain, we are about ¾ of the way through the school...
100 Days + 8 yrs + LOVE = #CamelotKids
There's a party going on right here, it's a celebration to last throughout the year!! 100th Day Celebration: Celebrating 100 Days with...
Camelot Kids: Building a Legacy
Wowee, 2015!! What joy, triumph, challenge and venture you have brought our way this year! Who else is thankful for all of the lessons...
It's Always Sunny in Silver Lake!
Wow, December has already been jam-packed with ultra community oriented events and Holiday party planning galore! AND, the best is yet to...
Best Knight Out in all the Land! - Save the Date: 12/12, RSVP Now!!
This year we have a few considerations that have caused us to make NEW PLANS for our Holiday celebration. Usually, at Camelot Kids, we...
Top Three Sensory Play Activities
There are many ways to prompt a child's’ senses through activities that engage and encourage them to learn at a young age. One way is...